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Farewell to Writing 39A Students

Farewell Responses

Hi Tianai,

I agree that this course has really helped me improve my writing and also grow my confidence in writing. Like you said we have written so much in this class so that I could continue practicing my literacy skills. I also like how your titles for each blog was very creative. I could definitely see those kinds of titles in a professional blog. It was nice working with you on the podcast and I was glad that you were the podcast director for our group. Thanks for everything and good luck on your future writing journey.

Hi Vy,

I definitely agree that this class has immensely helped me improve my ability to analyze secondary sources and apply them to my writing. Through this course we have annotated sources from lectures to films and everything in between. Getting exposed to a wide range of material makes me confident in my literacy skills for future writing courses. I also agree that analyzing the Disney Films have helped me realized the subtle things Disney teaches and how it affects more people than we know. Great work on the reflection blog and I good luck on your future writing journey.

Hi Iris,

This course has also helped me to become more curious about Disney Films and how they construct gender roles in our society. Disney's influence on gender roles is something I had thought of before, but I never analyzed films to see how much it really affects the viewers. After analyzing various films by Disney, my views towards Disney had changed. Previously, I had thought that Disney was setting new gender roles by releasing films such as Moana and Frozen. However, as I dove into my research I noticed that Disney was only solidifying the views of society to make them more widely accepted to people. I enjoyed reading your blog and I wish you good luck on your writing journey.

Hi Zebang,

I also agree that collaboration and communication are something that must coexist in order to create efficiency and good results. While working on the podcast we had deadlines for each specific part of the podcast which helped us to stay organized and on task. Working with you on this podcast helped me to gain collaboration skills and communication skills. Good luck on your future writing journey.

Hi Cicily,

I agree that the Connect assignment have definitely helped me in improving my literacy skills in various aspects. For example, the thesis practice has really helped me build my thesis for the final writing assignment. Also, I agree that listening to other people's opinions can make you think of ideas that you hadn't thought of before which is great in opening up your perspective towards things. I enjoyed reading your blog and good luck on your future writing journey.

Hi Yinda,

I also think that I grew as a communicator as a result of working on the podcast. There were many instances during the podcast production process where we had to effectively communicate with our group members so that everyone was on the same page. It was also important to communicate in order to finish the assignment on time with a quality podcast. I enjoyed reading your podcast and I wish you luck on your future podcast journey.

Final Reflection

While working with others in a remote setting, I was able to appretaicate face to face interactions we used to have. If we were in person we would be able to discuss our podcast with our group members in class and had more valuable interactions. However, the online setting made it difficult to find times that everyone was available since many students were international students in my group. I definitely agree that the course assignments have helped me to grow as a collaborator and improve my literacy skills. Throughout the course we analyzed various secondary sources that integrate critical thinking and digital literacy. Also, the group podcast helped me to communicate my ideas better and improve on working in a group setting. Despite the challenges of remote learning and online interactions, I improved in my abilities to write and communicate effectively. In the future, I will apply these skills in courses such as Writing 39B and 39C.

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