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Pre-Production Meeting

My group had our pre production meeting on Tuesday 7pm.

Jenny Kim

  • Script Coordinator

  • Speaks in segment 2 and summary

  • Collects all the script from group members and compiles them into a final script that flows well.


  • Host

  • Speaks in segment 1, segment 2,segment 3, and summary

  • Introduces questions and leads the segments


  • Podcast Director/Podcast Editor

  • Speaks in segment 3 and summary

  • Makes sure everyone turns in their portion of the recording and edits the podcast


  • Microsite Editor

  • Speaks in segment 1 and summary

  • Creates site and organizes the site with everyone’s contribution


  • Researcher

  • Speaks in segment 2 and segment 3

  • Finds images and music for site and podcast

Our group decided to record the podcast individually and have the podcast editor combine them together. The title of our podcast is Disney and Its Effect on Social Construction Over Time. The podcast will have an introduction, three segments, and a summary at the end. The introduction will be by the host, Zebang. The group members talking in segment 1 will be Zebang and Cicily. In segment 2, Zebang, Jenny, and Cassious will speak. The third segment will be by Zebang, Tianai, and Cicily. The final summary will include all group members. The introduction will be about 2 minutes, the segments will be about 6 minutes, and the summary will be about 3 minutes. The leader in Segment one will be Zebang, in segment two it will be Jenny, and in segment three it will be Tianai. The host will start off the segments with questions and contribute between conversations. The podcast will begin and end with music relating to the movies discussed in the podcast.

To-Do List

  • Finish script

  • Decide on questions for each segment

  • Find images for podcast

  • Find music for podcast

  • Send recordings to podcast editor

We will be recording the podcast individually.

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