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First Steps into 39A

Hi, my name is Jenny Kim and I am a first year education sciences major. I enjoy watching movies, eating food, and traveling. I have created a presentation of six words that describe me. To view it Click here. The last class I took before this course was a high school literature class. I learned about important techniques in analyzing literature and also finding key themes in the text using literary devices. Our primary focus was on analyzing the text and creating comparative literature essays. Currently, I think that I am an average writing. When there are writing assignments I finish them with the required elements, but I miss areas in deep analysis and making connections throughout the text. In my previous writing classes I remember getting a B when I could have gotten an A. I had points off for the analysis portion of the rubric which brought down my score. I think my strength is in organizing my essay in a clear format. In this part of the rubric I have always scored well in my other writing classes. I got an 80% on my Language and Grammar Diagnostic which is about where I was expecting to score. I knew that I wasn't the best in this area and I had not scored the best on my SAT. However, the questions were fair so I was able to score averagely.


This course is Writing 39A with a theme of Disney and Gender. The question we will being referencing for the duration of this course: How do Disney films contribute to the construction of society's values and norms about gender roles? Have these values changed over time? The course will integrate various learning platforms to make students bettwer writers and communicators. To succeed in this course, students should practicer literacy and reading analysis skills. They should also focus on collaboration with other students to help with growing their skills together. It is important for students to create a space where we respect each other and the pace people learn at. It is also important to communicate with the professor whenever you have questions or concerns.

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2 commentaires

18 janv. 2021

Hey Jenny! I hope you're enjoying your first year at UCI. When it comes to creating a safe space where students can interact with one another, I feel that by reading these blogs, I personally get to know everyone a bit better just like I am reading your blog. I really enjoyed reading you're blog, I can relate with you because I sometimes have the same problem in analyzing text to understand the greater meaning.


16 janv. 2021

Hi Jenny!

Welcome to UCI! Referring to you wrote about how to be successful in this course, "They should also focus on collaboration with other students to help with growing their skills together," I hadn't realize the significant this key point to the success of this course! Thank you for noticing me about this!

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