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Habits of Mind

  • Curiosity

    • Throughout the close reading practices, I became curious by asking questions about terms I didn’t know. Before reading the text to its entirety, I also read the headers and formed ideas of what the writing piece was going to be about. This helped me to think about some of the ideas beforehand and gave a preview before reading so that I wouldn’t go into reading blindly.

  • Openness

    • I was a bit skeptical when we had to find annotations for where the characters sang in the Disney film, Beauty and the Beast. However, after doing my own annotations and also assessing the annotation of my peers, I was able to realize that some of the best annotations came from the lyrics. The lyrics were able to express the character’s thoughts and emotions in a short and concise way which made it suitable to use as a quote.

  • Engagement

    • I was engaged in the activities especially in week 3 because we watched a movie and also practiced our punctuation skills. The movies served as a refreshing break from the reading in my other classes. I was able to engage better when I could see a picture painted right in front of me. The punctuation practice also helped me to engage and fix the problems I had in commas, apostrophe, italizes, etc.

  • Creativity

    • I was able to use creativity when I was making my blog for this class. I chose specific colors and themes that would match my personality the best. I also wanted to create an organized environment for others to view my work.

  • Persistence

    • I persisted throughout the weeks of this course when I had to finish the Language and Diagnostic Test. Doing fifty questions regarding grammar and language was difficult, but doing it helped me to realize what areas I need to work on.

  • Flexibility

    • The course load of this class was more than what I was expecting, but I worked hard to get my assignments done and adapt to the class.

  • Responsibility

    • I engaged in responsible behavior by creating a planner where I can write down all the assignments that I need to complete. I also organized them by due dates so that I can submit each assignment on time.

  • Metacognition (reflection)

    • I engaged in metacognition when I connected gender roles that were portrayed in the movie to the current standards of today.

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